Transmodalising with Technology in Science

TTS Spring 2023 Kick-off Meeting

Following the successful completion of the TTS project with Neabsco Elementary School, our research team has now partnered with The Nokesville School to implement the TTS project from Spring 2023 to Fall 2024. The kick-off event for this new phase took place on Friday, October 13th, with an engaging infographic session for students.

Our infographic expert, Cindy, met the students virtually via Zoom. She began by introducing the concept of infographics and their importance in representing data visually. To make the abstract concept more tangible, Cindy asked students interactive questions like “Who likes to play soccer?” and had them raise their hands. She then asked them to count the total number of raised hands for each question, guiding them to realize that infographics simplify data presentation much like counting hands would be easier if everyone stood at the front of the room.

In the second part of the meeting, Cindy led a hands-on infographic activity. Students used various craft materials to represent data, with many choosing balloons. They learned that the size of the balloon could represent different numerical values. Most groups had members represent different countries and blew up their balloons to different sizes to signify varying data points. Students eagerly shared which country they represented and explained the significance of the balloon sizes. Impressively, one group even labeled their balloons with country names without being prompted.

The event was a great success, sparking students’ interest in infographics. One student excitedly asked when they could have another session like this.